Wind Turbines are getting More Effective July 14, 2010

Wind turbines are quickly becoming one of the most effective sustainable energy sources available today. Capable of providing up to 900 Watts an hour in a 12 mph wind, a small farm of 5-6 Wind Turbines can power a regular size home. With the rising costs of fossil fuels, other means of powering our homes, businesses and job sites must be found and wind turbines are one of the most promising choices.

A Sunforce 44447 900W Whisper Wind Turbine mounted on a Sunforce 44455 Wind Generator 30′ Tower Kit can make a rather large dent in a continuously increasing power bill. Areas that receive many windy days can benefit greatly from small, strategically placed wind farm of 5-6 pole mounted wind turbines. You can check your area’s average wind speed at First Look or the U.S. Department of Energy. Even with a less then fair wind, a decent wind turbine can generate enough energy that it would help reduce your overall energy costs.

Some cities require you to have a permit for installation of a wind turbine which you can find information about at your local department of licenses and permits. The question on whether or not homeowners should be required to purchase a permit to install a wind turbine is a hot subject in many areas. With the governmental attempt to switch America to sustainable energy sources, this problem with permits and the installation of personal wind turbines may become more regulated.You can help to solve this problem by contacting a local wind turbine professional installer that can help you with the proper paperwork as well as the installation.

There are many governmental incentives to help home and business owners to make the switch to more sustainable energy sources, including wind turbines. You can find the many incentives you can receive for purchasing wind turbines or solar panels for your building at These incentives can help to make your purchase and installation of a small wind turbine farm half of what it would otherwise cost.

Another financial reason to install a small wind turbine farm is the income to be made by selling your extra, unused power to your local electric company. Many electric companies are finding that more and more of their customers are demanding sustainable energy sources. These companies are desperate to find ways to fulfill this desire, one of their major choices is purchasing excess power from owners of small wind turbine farms. Not only can installation of a few Sunforce 900W Whisper wind turbines reduce your monthly power bill but they can also become quite the turn around if you produce any extra power.

Using wind energy to power your home or business by installing a small wind turbine farm of 5-6 wind turbines can greatly reduce your monthly electricity bill. The economic, personal finance and environmental reasons for installing a wind turbine farm are numerous. With the continuously higher costs of fossil fuels, installing a small wind turbine farm is one of the most promising low-cost, small-scale choices.

5 Reasons to Install a Wind Turbine Farm –

  • Wind turbines reduce your monthly energy costs
  • Wind turbines reduce your carbon footprint
  • Wind turbine installation creates local jobs
  • Wind turbines contribute to a Green Economy
  • Wind turbine farms can make money

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