10 Simple Ways to Live an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle July 14, 2010

The switch to living a personal or business life based on clean energy may seem daunting and unattainable at first. We hope that with the following advice, you will be better prepared and will find the switch much easier than you could have imagined.

1.) Turn off your lights! Open your blinds, drapes and curtains.

2.) Install water and energy conserving appliances and light bulbs within your home.

3.) For a Healthier You as well as Healthier Planet ride a bike or walk.

4.) Turn off your computer, TV and other electrical appliances rather than letting them “sleep” when away for longer than 20 mins.

5.) Using a cold water cycle can save up to 80 percent of the energy required to wash laundry.

6.) Wrap your water heater in insulation and reduce your output by about 1000-pounds of Co2 a year.

7.) Turn off your engine if stuck in traffic, by a train or even at a drive-thru resturant. Restarting takes less gas after about 30 seconds than sitting idle.

8.) Install a water conserving showerhead and take a short shower instead of a bath.

9.) Rid yourself of the plastic bottles and try a BPA-free aluminum bottle. Get your own Solarized Life SIGG Waterbottle now!

10.) Reset your thermostat from 72 degrees to 65 degrees for eight hours a day and cut your heating bill by up to 10 percent.

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